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Broadcast Journalism

As a primarily print journalist, I haven't done experienced much of Broadcast journalism. However, as trips and events begin to pick up in the spring, I am eager to continue dabbling with videography!


Mar 25, 2024​


 This was my first time filming any type of video content for the West Side Story. Fellow staffer Shanza Sami and I decided to record the Symphony String's trip destination reveal and reaction to accompany a web article we wrote. 




April 26, 2024​

I filmed and edited this short-form preview showcasing dances and fashion from West High's largest cultural event, Walk It Out. I distributed the video across TikTok and Instagram, as I wanted to spread the word by reaching a broader audience.


This past summer, I had the incredible opportunity to attend JCamp, where I toured the KXAN television station. There, I gained insight into the various roles behind broadcast journalism and even had the chance to report using a teleprompter.

While at JCamp I also tried my hand at live reporting. 

After this exposure to broadcast journalism, it is safe to say that I will not be a news anchor anytime in the near future.

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