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Photography was once a very daunting task for me. I shied away, I fearing the judgment of others and having to navigate the complicated buttons on a camera. However, over time, my confidence and skills in photography has improved. Whether poolside or courtside, I now strive to find the best angle or way to capture a moment with each click of a button.


This was my first time covering an event solely by myself. Equipped with my camera, a semi-illegitimate high school press pass, and no ticket, I headed to an Iowa Womens Basketball Game at the height of their popularity. At first, I nervously approached fans, asking them if I could take their photo. I then ventured into the arena. Although I had no ticket, the arena workers were nice and allowed me to stand behind the barrier and continue taking photos from a distance. However, just as the game was about to begin, a guard gestured to me, allowing me to cross the blockades and snap a few photos right before I left.


As a musician myself, I don't usually get to photograph the events that I am a part of. However, after noticing a lack of musical events in our coverage I asked myself: "If sports can get consistent coverage, why can't music too?" This day was a rare case in that I got to cover a concert  I also performed in. In between pieces, I traded my violin for my camera to capture a few moments showcasing my community's talented musicians.

Sports photography was my first exposure to photojournalism. At first, the intricacies of capturing such high-intensity, high-speed moments were challenging. Alongside having to balance the different lighting situations, taking the perfect picture was oftentimes tedious and resulted in hundreds of "bad" photos and few "good" photos. But after lots of tinkering and practice with the camera, the act of sports photography became much easier for me.



After taking these photos at the local Asian Fest, I wanted to find a unique way of presenting them. So I turned to Canva, adjusting the colors of each photo until I decided on editing the photos into a three-part Instagram story where each slide showcased a different photo. This way, viewers could interact with and focus on each picture rather than being bombarded with all of them at the same time.

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